2024 Voting Products

Custom Voting Page
78% of 2023 advertisers who had a Custom Voting Page won their category.
Custom Voting Page is a landing page where your fans can vote on all the sub-categories where you are nominated.
It has a custom URL links to our voting site that you can share on social media, email blasts, websites and more.
Included is a QR code that can be printed and placed at locations, like menus and front desks to make voting easy.
After your fans vote, you can route them to any URL, from a simple “thank you” page to special offer content
The Custom Voting Page includes five sub-categories. You can add more for a nominal fee.
728x180 branding ad, no click through

Ballot Button
55% of 2023 advertisers who purchased Ballot Buttons were winning businesses in their category
Runs underneath your sub-category name on the voting ballot
350x100 branding ad, no click through

Jumbo Voting Ad​
Benefits Include:
This large ad unit runs on the entry and exit page of the ballot and will help persuade voters to select your business. In 2023 there were over 1,000,000 votes cast.
Includes: 728x400 ad
Category/Industry exclusive
7 positions available
Runs every day during the voting period

Sub-Category Sponsor
Benefits Include:
Your branding message appears at the top of your chosen Sub-Category like “Best Italian Restaurant,” “Best Dentist,” or any of the 350+ categories listed in the contest.
728x180 branding ad, no click through
1 available per Sub-Category
Runs every day during the voting period

Voting Navigation Ad
Benefits Include:
This ad unit runs on a voting navigation window as a user casts their vote for any given nominee and will help persuade voters to select your business. Every vote equals more eyes on your ad, increasing your visibility throughout the contest. In 2023 there were over 1,000,000 votes cast.
Static ad
7 positions available
Runs every day during the voting period
Voting and Results Packages
Choose a promotional package to fit your budget and that gives you the best opportunity to engage your fans and win.